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February 12, 2025


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Halloween Costume Closet
  Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids from Velcro

Pretty Princess Costume

Level: Moderately Easy for adults. Requires ability to measure and cut patterns and to hand sew.

Completion Time: About 2 hours

Got a T-shirt – Make a Costume – Back to T-shirt!

Princess CostumeMaterials:
1 pink t-shirt
Silver glitter craft foam (2mm)
3/4 inch to 1 inch silver ribbon – 2 yards
Flat craft gems
Pink felt
2 to 3 yards of pink tulle
VELCRO® Brand Clear tape – clear – 2 yards x
3/4 -inch
Craft/fabric glue
Hand sewing needle and thread

Patterns: (download pattern pdf)
Crown and headbands (sides)



  1. Neck Trim: Cut 15-inch piece of ribbon. Turn ends under about 1/4 inch and glue. At center point of ribbon, fold and miter ribbon to form a 45 degree angle ("V"). Glue to secure.
  2. Apply hook side of tape to back of ribbon "V". Stick loop side to hook side of tape. Remove backing and adhere to front of t-shirt.
  3. Sleeves: Cut two 18 to 24 inch squares from tulle. Fold squares in half to form a triangle. Hand sew a 1/4 inch running stitch about 1/4 inch from folded edge of triangle.
  4. Measure circumference of t-shirt sleeve edge. Cut two VELCRO® Brand Clear tape strips the same length for each sleeve. Apply loop side to edge of sleeves.
  5. Cut ribbon to same length as tape plus 1/2 inch. Turn edges under 1/4 -inch and glue. Apply hook side to back of ribbon.
  6. Gather tulle squares to same length as tape. Catch gathered tulle in bottom 1/4 inch of hook side of tape. Attach to loop side on sleeve. Meet ends in the center of the front of the sleeves. Repeat for other sleeve.


  1. Open remaining tulle to full width. Fold in half crosswise and cut the tulle to the desired skirt length. (One layer may be cut shorter than the other, if desired.) Hand sew a 1/4-inch running stitch about 1/4 inch from folded edge.
  2. Measure waist and cut VELCRO® Brand Clear tape to same length. Cut ribbon to waist measurement + 1/2 -inch. Turn ends of ribbon under 1/4 -inch and glue. Apply hook tape to back of ribbon. Gather tulle to same length as tape. Attach tulle to hook in the same manner as sleeves.
  3. Cut lengths of felt to the same width as VELCRO® Brand Clear tape. Adhere to back of loop tape. Attach loop to hook while offsetting ends by 2 inches. These ends are secured together to wear skirt.


  1. Print pdf patterns. Cut crown from glitter craft foam. [Tip: Use disappearing ink marking pen for transferring patterns.] Glue sides to front of crown. Try on crown and trim ends with a 2-inch overlap. Cut 2 -inch length of VELCRO® Brand Clear tape and apply hook to top of one side, and loop to underside of other side. Decorate with gems.
  2. Put on t-shirt and tuck in. Wrap skirt around waist and secure. Wrap crown around head and secure.
  3. After wearing, remove ribbon, tulle sleeves, and VELCRO® Brand Clear tape to return t-shirt to original condition.


Designed by Kim Bell for Velcro USA Inc.

VELCRO® and other marks are owned by
Velcro Industries, B.V.
©2011 Velcro USA Inc.
Velcro U.S.A.

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