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February 12, 2025


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Halloween Costume Closet
  Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids from Velcro

Fairy Ballerina

Level: Moderately Easy for adults. Requires ability to measure and cut patterns and to iron fusing tape.

Completion Time: About 3 hours

A glittery tulle skirt, wings and matching headpiece bring out the Fairy Ballerina
in every little dancer. She'll want to wear this costume year round.

Fairy BallerinaMaterials:
On hand: Leotard and tights that fit
Plain plastic headband
Tacky-type or ordinary white glue
Supplies needed:
6 inches VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back fastener
3 inches VELCRO® Brand
Fabric Fusion fastener
1/8 yard felt Fusing tape, 1/2 inch wide
3 1/2 yards tulle, 54
" wide, in one or mixed colors
1 5/8 yards tulle, 54
" wide, white with sparkles or glitter
Craft wire, 20 gauge

Skirt (Diagrams 1 and 2)


  1. Cut a strip of felt, 3 x 25 inches. With wrong side up, press over 1 inch lengthwise and fuse to make waistband.
  2. Cut VELCRO® Brand Fabric Fusion fastener, 3 inches long. Fuse to opposite sides of waistband ends over folded layer for a closure. (Diag. FB-1.)
  3. From the colored tulle, cut 22 skirt strips, each 10 x 25 inches. From the white tulle, cut 22 tutu strips, each 6 x 10 inches. Cinch one skirt strip in half widthwise and loop into a loose knot. Cinch one tutu strip and slide it into the knot loop. Pull skirt ends to tighten knot. Fluff tulle and smooth it down away from the knot. (Diag. FB-2.) Repeat with each set of skirt and tutu strips. Place waistband with right side up. Glue tulle knots to lower edge (single layer) of the waistband at 1-inch intervals, alternating colors in a pattern if desired. Tip: Pin tulle knots to felt band until glue dries securely.
  4. With craft wire, fold wing loops 10-inches long at each side and coil wire in the center to wrap shape securely. (Diag. FB-3.) From the white tulle, cut a rectangle 22 x 30 inches for wrapping wings. Cut a center tie, 4 x 10 inches. Place the wire wings along the 22 inch edge of the rectangle. Wrap the tulle around the wings and cinch in the center while wrapping. Loop the tie around the center to hold the cinched wings and knot. Cut a 3 inch strip of VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back fastener. Attach the hook side to the back of the wings and loop side to the back of the leotard.
  5. For headband decorations, cut 5 layers of tulle 4 x 6 inches, in mixed colors. With 4 layers stacked together, cinch in the center and tie the 5th layer around the cinching and knot. Trim ends to make a fluffy pompom shape. Attach to the headband with small pieces of VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back fastener.

    To convert back to normal use, remove VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back fastener from leotard and headband.

Designed by Sheila Zent for Velcro USA Inc.

VELCRO® and other marks are owned by
Velcro Industries, B.V.
©2011 Velcro USA Inc.
Velcro U.S.A.

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